10 Reasons there will be Trees in Heaven

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yardOh course, none of us really knows what happens after we die. But I have this theory about Heaven. I think that if there is a Heaven, then it will be filled with everything that we took the time to love and appreciation in this lifetime. If you love something, then you get to spend eternity with it.

So when I die, if there is a Heaven, it will be filled with trees.

Here are ten reasons that I would love to spend eternity surrounded by trees.

  1. Trees gather together to create forests – I am just completely at peace in a forest. When I die, if there is a Heaven, mine will be wooded.
  2. Hummingbirds like trees – There is something magical about seeing a tiny hummingbird sitting in the branches of a huge, giant oak. Both hummingbirds and huge oak trees fill me with wonder.
  3. Trees Provide habitat for other wildlife – I’ve seen a LOT of creatures hanging out in the trees of our little wooded forest. Owls, woodpeckers, hawks, squirrels, even swarms of bees. If I ever need to get back in touch with nature, all I have to do is look up.
  4. Trees play with the sunlight – I absolutely love to start the day with the sun shining down through the branches of the trees, creating big rays of light. It’s like the trees and the sun are working together to say “Behold! A new day is here!”
  5. Trees whisper – If you don’t know what I mean, go stand in the woods for a while when there is a gentle breeze blowing. Listen quietly until you hear their whisper.
  6. I love wood grain – I know you can’t really appreciate the grain of wood without chopping down a tree and making something out of it, but I just love wood grain. Hickory and oak are some of my favorites.
  7. Candy bars grow on trees – Who doesn’t love chocolate bars filled with nuts.
  8. Books grow on trees – Forget the internet, Kindles and books on tape. I’ll take a good old fashion book, that I can hold in my hands and turn the pages, any day, both for reading and for writing. And paper, of course, comes from trees.
  9. Trees smell beautiful – Both the flowers and even some of the wood itself (think cedar) provides wonderful fragrance.
  10. Trees make perfect memorials to people I love – I can plant a tree in memory of someone I’ve loved, and take comfort in the thought that when I get to Heaven, they will be right there waiting for me, under our tree.

And so I plant trees.

**Author’s Note: One of the coolest jobs I ever had was writing the Metro DC Lawn and Garden Blog, which allowed me to encourage others to take care of the planet by practicing eco-friendly gardening. This post was first published on that blog on January 22, 2012.

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